It is essential to understand dentin sensitivity and how it is caused. First, we will focus on how teeth become sensitive: the exposed dentinal tubules transmit external stimuli to the pulp tissue at the other end through the fluid in the tube, which causes sensitivity symptoms.
How Do I Treat Tooth Sensitivity?
There are two crucial aspects to treating tooth sensitivity. The first is to block the exposed dentinal tubules by various means. The second aspect is to perform desensitization treatment so that the nerves of the teeth are not so sensitive. In addition, it is essential to use home care products that contain specific ingredients like desensitizing toothpaste and mouthwash.
Do I Need to See a Dental Professional?
Professional intervention may become necessary if symptoms are not relieved after 2-4 weeks of using home care products. For example, you may need to use some desensitizers with similar active ingredients of home care products. Or, you may need to start from the source and block the exposed dentinal tubules with various methods, such as bioglass and silicate cement, laser, and so forth.
How Can I Prevent Sensitivity Symptoms?
If you do not have these symptoms, you can also work to prevent tooth sensitivity. Here are a few things you can do to take control of your oral health:
1.Brush methodically and thoroughly.
2.Reduce the intake of acidic foods and beverages.
3.Receive timely diagnosis and treatment of periodontal disease, nocturnal bruxism, excessive tooth wear,and other related
4.Rinse your mouth after eating acidic foods and drinks, and brush your teeth after at least onehour.
5.Use home tooth bleaching products with caution.
6.Schedule regular oral examinations.
Key Takeaway
The good news is that there are treatments for sensitive teeth. You do not have to live with pain or uncomfortable sensations! If you do not have sensitive teeth, taking the appropriate precautions can help preserve the teeth.
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