Dec 10, 2021
GQ Magazine Lists Oclean X Pro Elite
as The Best for Quiet Brushing

OCLEAN X PRO ELITE - Best for quiet brushing
With 42,000 RPM's worth of power under the hood, you'd be forgiven for assuming that the Oclean sounds like a pneumatic drill when in use, but it's quite the opposite. Thanks to special noise reduction technology it's one of the quieter electric toothbrushes you're likely to come across, with a generous 32 different intensities to help you dial in your precise settings. Its 35-day battery life isn't the longest on this list, but it's far from shabby either.
-Cat Ellis
Electric toothbrushes enjoy the reputation of bringing exceptional cleaning efficiency with various distinctive features through innovative technologies. However, despite all the technical innovations that we have experienced and benefited greatly from, electric toothbrushes are not yet silent or at least around tolerated level.
In fact, numerous people are getting annoyed at just how noisy some brushes can be while toothbrushing in the morning or at night.
To better understand how exactly an electric toothbrush works, there is some information that could be of assistance. It is typically the brush heads and the maglev brushless motor that generates the noise while operating. These basically are the key moving parts.
The motor inside the toothbrush handle takes electrical energy stored inside the battery and converts it into mechanical energy. And it transfers this energy to the brush head via a shaft that connects to the motor and a series of cams and gears.
If you remove a brush head from an electric toothbrush, the shaft will reveal itself. It is normally metal and extends from the top of the handle.
The back and forth or rotating movement of the bristles on the brush head is what is required to clean the teeth. Typically it is this movement that causes the loudest noise.
Within the motor are a number of different parts. Some of these parts move or come into contact with other moving parts for them to function. The physical movement of each part causes the air inside to vibrate. The vibrations in turn create a sound we hear.
The actual design of the motor and the brush handle can have an impact on how loud the sound is. A more hollow handle for example may allow the sound from the motor to amplify as there is more space for the soundwaves to move around in.
Like many mechanical devices, over time, repeated use and wear will have an impact on the motor. Brushes and bearings can become worn. Points that may have been greased have dried up. Together these things can mean that the motor cannot work as efficiently as it once did. The consequence then can be that it produces more noise.

Thanks to the special noise reduction technology that Oclean adopts to ensure a feeling of tranquility when it comes to toothbrushing while just freshly waking up in the morning or ready for bed. Some may wonder with the adoption of noise reduction technology, will there be any compromise on the cleaning efficiency of the motor, the answer is NO, Oclean adopts maglev brushless motor to bring exceptional cleaning efficiency, and on the other hand, to limit the soundwaves to move around in might prolong or extend the lifespan of the motor. Improving oral health and over well-being through innovation and technology is the goal that is embodied within every Ocleaner.
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