First, it is crucial to understand that toothpaste is a supplemental tool when brushing teeth. Toothpaste helps enhance the effect of toothbrushes to remove food residues, soft scale, and plaque through the mechanical action of brushing. Fluoride toothpaste also helps prevent the occurrence of dental caries. While you can brush your baby’s teeth without toothpaste, it takes more time and effort.
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Babies are not required to use toothpaste within the first year. In the beginning, you can brush their teeth with water to let them gradually adapt to the feeling of brushing their teeth. After the age of one, you can try to use toothpaste to brush their teeth. If the child rejects it, you can still use clean water to brush their teeth, then slowly help the child adapt to using toothpaste.
It is specifically recommended to use fluoride toothpaste to prevent the occurrence of dental caries.
The amount of toothpaste used by children under the age of three should be controlled by parents and is typically the size of a grain of rice. Most children in this age group cannot rinse their mouths and need help to avoid swallowing toothpaste.
Although some children may want to be strong and independent, it is imperative for the parent to help the child administer the toothpaste. Squeezing out a small dosage for the child helps control it. It should be noted that toothpaste is not for eating, and swallowing toothpaste is not recommended. Therefore, it is best to teach children how to use toothpaste correctly while helping them do so until they are older.
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